Coordination, Organization, Institutions, Norms and Ethics in Agent Systems (COINE)

The International Workshop Series


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The Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems book series

The COINE Steering Committee

Multi-agent systems are often understood as complex entities where a multitude of agents interact, usually with some intended individual or collective purpose. Such a view usually assumes some form of structure, or set of norms or conventions that articulate or restrain interactions in order to make them more effective in attaining those goals, more certain for participants or more predictable. The engineering of effective regulatory mechanisms is a key problem for the design of open complex multi-agent systems.

In recent years, social and organizational aspects of agency have become a major issue in MAS research. Moreover, recent applications of MAS on Web Services, Grid Computing and Ubiquitous Computing enforce the need for using these aspects in order to ensure social order within these environments. Openness, heterogeneity, and scalability of MAS pose new demands on traditional MAS interaction models. The view of coordination and control has to be expanded to consider not only an agent-centric perspective but societal and organization-centric views as well.

Following a series of very successful events in the last years, the topics of coordination, organization, institutions, norms and ethics have become an important area of research within the agent community. The overall problem of analyzing the social, legal, economic and technological dimensions of agent organizations, and the co-evolution of agent interactions, provide theoretically demanding and interdisciplinary research questions at different levels of abstraction.

In order to reach different research communities working in these related topics, some of the researchers that were working in the field have decided to create the COINE workshop series. This workshop series will provide a space for the convergence of concerns and developments from MAS researchers that have been involved with these issues from the complementary perspectives of coordination, organizations, institutions and norms. Aditionally, the series will facilitate and coordinate the organization of twin yearly events co-located with large international conferences, diverse in focus and geographically.

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Send questions and comments to Jaime Simão Sichman at

Last Update: June 16, 2024