Jaime Simão SICHMAN











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Laboratório de Técnicas Inteligentes (LTI)
Depto. Eng. Computação e Sistemas Digitais (PCS)
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo
Av Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 158 travessa 3
05508-970 - São Paulo - SP - BRASIL
phone: +55 11 30910625 or +55 11 30915397 or +55 11 30915583 (secr)
fax: + 55 11 30915294
email: jaime.sichman@poli.usp.br
URL: http://www.pcs.usp.br/~jaime

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Small CV

After obtaining my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering in 1984 at Polythecnic School, University of São Paulo (EPUSP), I have worked as a hardware and software designer at some engineering companies, from 1984 to 1989. During this period, I was involved with several design activities, such as a simulator for the Navy Ministry, an emulator for the São Paulo Subway Company, and some automation projects for energy companies of São Paulo State, like ELETROPAULO and CESP.

My academic experience has started in 1988, when I was engaged as a research assistant at EPUSP. I have taught since then several undergraduate courses, both in the digital hardware and software areas, as well as some graduate and specialty courses for engineers, in the artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems domais.

I have obtained my MsC degree in Electrical Engineering from EPUSP in 1991, in the Distributed Artificial Intelligence field, under the supervision of Prof. Eleri Cardozo. My MsC dissertation concerns the design of a monitoring facility for an object-oriented distributed problem solving kernel.

From September 1991 to October 1995, I has been engaged as a Phd student at the LIFIA laboratory (currently LEIBNIZ), at IMAG, Grenoble, France, where I have worked in the MAGMA group, headed by Dr. Yves Demazeau, in the field of Multi-Agent Systems. Part of my Phd studies were also carried out in the PSCS group (currently IAMCI) of the Istituto di Psicologia del CNR (currently ISTC ), Rome, Italy, in the team headed by Dr. Cristiano Castelfranchi. I have obtained my Phd degree in Computer Engineering in 1995. My thesis subject is about social reasoning in multi-agent systems.

I have obtained my Associate Professorship degree in Artificial Intelligence from EPUSP in 2003. The subject of my thesis was social and organizacional reasoning in multi-agent systems.

Among other colleagues, I was one of the founders of two subareas in the multiagent systems domain, namely Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS) and Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems (COIN), that have originated international workshop series since 1998. I was involved in the organization of several of these workshops: MABS 1998, MABS 2002 , MABS 2005, OOOP 2005, COIN@AAMAS 2007, MABS 2008, MABS 2011, COIN@AAMAS 2012 and MABS 2019.

Among the several Program and Organization Committees I have been involved with, the following should be stressed: e AAMAS 2007 Tutorial Chair, AAMAS 2009 Program Co-Chair, WCSS 2014 General Chair, AAMAS 2017 Local Organization Chair, AAMAS 2020 Workshop Co-Chair, and AAMAS 2024 General Co-Chair. I was a member of the Conference Senior Program Committee in AAMAS 2002 , AAMAS 2004 , AAMAS 2006, AAMAS 2012 and AAMAS 2013.

In Brazil, I participated with other colleagues in the creation of the Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation (BWSS) and was a member of the Steering Committee of the Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, seus Ambientes e ApliCações (WESAAAC). I have also organized several events, like SBIA/IBERAMIA 2000 , ENIA 2003 , SBIA/IBERAMIA 2006, and WESAAC 2013.

I have presented several tutorials, minicourses and invited talks about several aspects of multi-agent systems, as the tutorials presented at AAMAS 2004, European Agent System Summer School 2005, European Agent System Summer School 2007, AAMAS 2008 , IJCAI School 2014, AAMAS 2015, IJCAI 2015 and the keynote speaker talks presented at MICAI 2005, SBIA 2010, IBERAMIA 2012 and BRICS-CCI 2013.

I am an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), Mediterranean Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Computación y Sistemas, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial, The Knowledge Engineering Review and International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering.

I was indicated as a Distinguished Speaker by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 2012.

I was a member of the Steering Committee of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) from 2005 to 2009, and was also the coordinator of its Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (CEIA) from 2000 to 2002.

I was the coordinator of the International Relations Committee of EPUSP between 1998 and 2000, and also a member of the Information Technology Coordination Team of USP (CTI), from 2001 to 2006. Moreover, from 2010 to 2013, I played the role of director of the Electronic Computing Center of USP. Currently, I am a Full Professor at the Computer Engineering Department of EPUSP.

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Research Interests:

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Current Projects



NAIMAN (Normative Artificial Intelligence for Regulating Manufacturing) is a binational ANR-FAPESP project involving USP and Ecole de Mines de Saint Etienne , more specifically the group headed by Prof. Olivier Boissier. It investigates how normative mult-agent systems could be useful in regulating industry 4.0 scenarios.


SRA (Social reasoning agents) is a project originated by my Phd program. It addresses conceptual, theoretical and implementation aspects of autonomous agents that reason about the others in order to interact in an open multi-agent world. The main idea is that non-benevolent agents cooperate because they are complementary, i.e., they need each other as resources to achieve their own goals. This project has the scientific collaboration of PSCS group (IP, Rome).

Past Projects


ORG4APC (Organization of agents for Agent Programming Contest) is a project whose main goal is to test the use of agent organizational programming in a herding competition developped by the researchers in the field. Particularly, we are using the MOISE+ model, developped by our group in cooperation with other universities. This project has the scientific cooperation of the MAS group in DAS/UFSC, coordinated by Prof. Jomi Fred Hübner.


MEDEIA is a project whose goal is to propose a framework for building software engineering methods for organization centered MAS, using both existing AOSE methods and Agent Organization Models. We are adopting Situational Method Engineering techniques to develop the framework, which claims that particular methods should be built on demand, based on particular project situations, by reusing parts or fragments of already existing methods. This project has the scientific cooperation of the MAS group in LIP6, in particular with Prof. Zahia Guessoum (UPMC, Paris).


NEGOWAT is an European Community project involving several partners, and headed by CIRAD, France. The main goal of the project is to combine multi-agent modelling with role game playing in order to facilitate negotiations over land and water conflicts in Latin-America periurban upstream catchments. The project has started in 2003, having a partial support from FAPESP.


ONTREP (Ontology of Reputation for Agents) is a project whose goal is to propose a functional ontology of reputation for agents. This ontology should represent the current scientific knowledge about reputation, both in Human Sciences and Artificial Intelligence. The project has started in 2005, with the support of FAPESP.


ORGMAS (Organizations and Learning in Multi-Agent Systems) is a binational project involving USP and Ecole de Mines de Saint Etienne , more specifically the group headed by Prof. Olivier Boissier. The project is an extension of the MOISE project, and its goal is to extend the MOISE model  to characterize and implement organization structures. It has started in 2004.


SIMCOG (Simulation of Cognitive Agents) is a binational project involving USP and the AI group of Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon , headed by Prof. Helder Coelho. The main goal of the project is to develop a generic platform for multi-agent based simulation for cognitive agents. It has started in 2001, and was supported by FAPESP during the period 2002/2004.


AGINF (Agentes Inteligentes para Análise e Recuperação da Informação ) is a binational CAPES/SCyT project involving USP (POLI and ICMC) and ISITAN group of University of Tandil, Argentina, and headed by Prof. Maria Carolina Monard , from ICMC/USP. The main goal of the project is to investigate several AI/MAS techniques in order to build a robust information retrieval system. It has started in 1999 and it has finished in 2002.


DOMAS (Dynamic Organizations in Multi-Agent Systems) was a binational CNPq/ICCTI project involving USP, UFRGS and the AI group of Faculty od Sciences of University of Lisbon , headed by Prof. Helder Coelho. The main goal of the project was to investigate several AI/MAS models to cope with dymanic changes in organizational structure. It has started in 2000 and it was finished in 2002.


The LTI was one of the first academic laboratories in Brazil to apply IA techniques in the robot soccer domain. Our first team, named FUTEPOLI , was held in 1997 and headed by Prof. Anna Helena Reali Costa. Our second team, called GUARANÁ , was the world vice-champion in MIROSOT 1998 competition, held in Paris, France, during the FIFA World Cup.


MAPPEL (Multi-Agent Collaborative and Adversarial Perception, Planning, Execution and Learning) is a binational CNPq/NSF project (PROTEM program) involving UNICAMP, USP (IME and EPUSP) and CMU and headed by Prof. Anna Helena Reali Costa, from EPUSP. The main goal of the project is to investigate several AI/MAS techniques in order to build a robust robot soccer team. It has started in 1999 and it has finished in 2003.


MOISE (Model of Organization for Multi-Agent System) is a binational project involving USP and Ecole de Mines de Saint Etienne , more specifically the group headed by Prof. Olivier Boissier. The main goal of the project is to investigate a particular MAS model to characterize and implement organization structures. It has started in 1997 and it has finished in 2003.


NALAMAS (Natural Language and Multi-Agent Systems) was a national CNPq PROTEM-III project involving UFRGS, PUC-RS, UNICAMP, USP and UFSC. The main goal of the project was to investigate the advantages and drawbacks of using a multi-agent approach to natural language processing (NLP), specifically concerning Portuguese language. It has started in 1996 and finished by the end of 1998.


SACI (Simple Agent Communication Infrastructure) is a project involving USP the AI group of UFPE , headed by Prof. Geber Ramalho. The main goal of the project is to provide a computational infrastructure for cognitive agents communication, developed in Java. We intend to develop a version written in Java Microedition, which could be run on celular phones. It has started in 1999 and it has finished in 2003.


SEANC (Sistema de Apoio à Ancoragem) was an engineering project whose goal is to specify and implement a knowledge based system to support the procedure of mooring lines of oil sea platforms. This research has been conducted by Petrobrás and the Oceanic Engineering Department, from 1997 to 2000.

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Research Groups

You may find more information about DAI/MAS in the following entries:

1.      MAGMA group
Head: Dr. Yves Demazeau
University: IMAG, Grenoble, France

2.      DAI lab
Head: Prof. Victor Lesser
University: Univ. Massachusetts, Amhearst, USA

3.      Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML)
Head: Dr. Tim Finin
University: Univ. Maryland Baltimore County, USA

4.      Agent Based Software Interoperation (ABSI)
Head: Prof. Michael Genesereth
University: Univ. Stanford, USA

5.      Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving Group (CDPS)
Head: Prof. Elise Turner
University: Univ. New Hampshire, USA

6.      Concurrent Eng. Research Center (CERC)
Head: Dr. Ramana Reddy
University: Univ. West Virginia, USA

7.      DAI Mailing List Back Issues Archive
Head: Dr. Michael Huhns
University: MCC, USA

8.      OZ Project
Head: Prof. Joseph Bates
University: CMU, USA

9.      Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
Head: Prof. Aravind Joshi
University: Univ. Pennsylvannia

10.  QMW DAI group
Head: Dr. Nick Jennings
University: QMW, London, UK

11.  Repository of agent related information
Head: Ralph Becket
University: Univ. Cambridge, UK

12.  Experimental Knowledge System Lab (EKSL)
Head: Prof. Paul Cohen
University: Univ. Massachusetts, Amhearst, USA

13.  DAI Group
Head: Dr. Jeffrey Rosenschein
University: Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, IL

14.  Cognition and Affection Project
Head: Dr. Aaron Sloman
University: Univ. of Birmingham, UK

15.  VUB AI Lab
Head: Dr. Luc Steels
University: Free University of Brussels, BE

16.  CoMMA Project
Head: Dr. Donald Steiner
University: German Research Center for AI (DFKI), DE

17.  Formalizing Rational Agents
Head: Bernd van Linder
University: Univ. of Utrecht, NL

18.  Center for Coordination Science
Head: Prof. Thomas W. Malone
University: MIT, USA

19.  Distributed Intelligent Agents Group
Head: Prof. Edmond Durfee
University: Univ. of Michigan, USA

20.  Dynamics of Computation Group
Head: Prof. Bernardo Huberman
University: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA

21.  Multi-Agent Learningp
Head: Dr. Nagendra Prasadn
University: Univ. Massachussets, USA

22.  DAI lab
Head: Prof. Toru Ishida
University: Univ. Kyoto, JP

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Please send your suggestions to:

Jaime Simão Sichman (jaime.sichman@poli.usp.br )

This page was last updated on: June 16, 2024

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