Marco Túlio Carvalho de ANDRADE, Ph.D.
(Assistant Professor, USP, São Paulo, Brasil)
Professional Address
Depto. Eng. Computação e Sistemas
Digitais (PCS)
Escola Politécnica Universidade de São
Av Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 158 travessa 3 - 05508-900 - São Paulo -
phone: +55 11 3818 5583 or +55 11 3818 5567 fax: + 55 11 3818 5294
Curriculum Abstract
After obtaining my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering in 1982
at EPUSP (Polythecnic School, University of São Paulo, Brazil),
I have worked as a hardware designer at Elebra Engineering, a private company,
from 1983 to 1985. During this period, I was involved with modem design.
>From 1985 to 1988 I have worked at FDTE, a foundation linked to EPUSP,
as a VLSI design researcher, working on both VLSI design and development
of CAD for VLSI design.
My academic experience has started in 1988 when I was engaged as a research
assistant at EPUSP. I have taught several undergraduate courses, in the
digital hardware area: microprocessors, digital hardware laboratory, digital
hardware design. I have obtained my MsC degree from EPUSP in 1990, in Electrical
Engineering, Digital Systems area. My MsC dissertation concerns the design
of a library of graphic routines in OCCAM for using in Transputer systems.
From October 1989 to April 1995, I have been engaged, first as a MsC
student and after as a PhD student, at the IAI - "Instituto de Automática
Industrial" (IAI), at CSIC, Madrid, Spain. I worked in the computer group,
headed by Dr. Ricardo García Rosa, in the field of Fuzzy Systems.
My PhD Thesis was supervised by Dr. María Teresa de Pedro Lucio
and was been concluded in 1995. The Thesis was entitled: "Distributed
Universal Fuzzy Controller: Knowledge Base, Computational Model and Software
Academic Activities:
Undergraduate Courses
Post-graduate Courses
Research Interests:
Fuzzy Computing
Fuzzy Based Expert Systems
Fuzzy Control Systems
Fuzzy Logic Theory
Soft Computing
VLSI Design
Marco Túlio Carvalho de ANDRADE "Desenvolvimento de uma Interface
Gráfica em Software Para Sistemas Paralelos Baseados em Transputers"
, Ms.C. Dissertation Thesis, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica,
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil,
august 24, 1990.
Marco Túlio Carvalho de ANDRADE "Controlador Borroso Universal
Distribuido: Base de Conocimientos, Modelo Computacional y Herramientas
de Software" , Ph.D. Thesis, Departamento de Arquitecturas y Tecnología
de Sistemas Informáticos, Facultad de Informática, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, España, february 23, 1995.
Articles in Scientific Magazines
Ricardo GARCÍA Rosa & Marco Túlio Carvalho de ANDRADE
"Parallel Inference Engine for Fuzzy Controllers" , Cibernetics
and Systems Journal, Guest Editors Roberto Moreno Díaz & Franz
Pichler, Special Issue, Eurocast 1993, International Workshop on Computer
Aided Systems Theory, Volume 25, n.2, pp. 259-371, March-April 1994.
Papers in Conferences with Reviewing Committee
Teodiano F. BASTOS & Marco Túlio Carvalho de ANDRADE"Fuzzy
Control to seam Tracking in Arc-Welding Processes with Ultrasonic Sensors",
IFSA'95, Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress,
Proceedings Vol. I, pp. 593-596, July 22-28, 1995
Marco Túlio C. de ANDRADE & Ricardo GARCÍA Rosa &
María Teresa DE PEDRO"Software Tools to Obtain a Distributed
Universal Fuzzy Controller", ISIE'94, IEEE International Symposium
on Industrial Electronics, Symposium Proceedings, pp. 408-413, Catholic
University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, May 25-27, 1994.
Ricardo GARCÍA Rosa & María Teresa DE PEDRO & Marco
Túlio C. de ANDRADE"A Knowledge Base Structure for Fuzzy Controllers",
2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks", proceedings
ISBN: 4-938717-01-8, pp. 257-260, published in Japan by Fuzzy Logic Systems
Institute (FLSI), Iizuka, Japan, July 17-22, 1992.
C. de ANDRADE"A Communication Chip for a Distributed Computer Architeture",
VII International Conference on Minicomputers and Microcomputers and their
Applications", pp. 300-303, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, June, 1988.
Ricardo GARCÍA Rosa & María Teresa DE PEDRO & Marco
Túlio C. de ANDRADE"Parallel Inference Engine for Fuzzy Controllers",
EUROCAST 93, Third International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory
and Technology, organized by "Facultad de Informática de la Universidad
de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria" & "Institute of Systems Science of Johanes
Kepler University Linz", Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Canary Island, february
22-26, 1993.
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Please send your suggestions
Marco Túlio Carvalho de Andrade <>
This page was last modified on: August 13, 1996